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Referensi dan Literasi MFI

 No Nama File Download
  11-case_studies agricultural  MFIdownload
23-computation model of MFIdownload
34-impact of SHG Modeldownload
45-Islamic microfinance  developmentdownload
56-making dev ass to islamic  microfinancedownload
67-managing risk for agricultural  microfinancedownload
78-MFI enter the Marketplacedownload
810-microfinance & HICdownload
9Materi Microfinance 1download
10Materi Microfinance 2 download 
11Materi 1-Model Bisnis Balotadownload
12Materi 2-Model Bisnis kospin jasadownload
13Materi 3-Model Bisnis CUdownload
15Bahan2-Pengawasan dan Pengaturan LKM.pdfdownload
16Bahan3- Presentasi Seminar Nasional Keuangan Mikrodownload