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Referensi dan Literasi MFI

 No Nama File Download
14-impact of SHG Modeldownload
23-computation model of MFIdownload
36-making dev ass to islamic  microfinancedownload
48-MFI enter the Marketplacedownload
510-microfinance & HICdownload
6Materi Microfinance 1download
7Materi Microfinance 2download 
8Materi 1-Model Bisnis Balotadownload
9Materi 2-Model Bisnis kospin jasadownload
10Materi 3-Model Bisnis CUdownload
12Bahan2-Pengawasan dan Pengaturan LKM.pdfdownload
13Bahan3- Presentasi Seminar Nasional Keuangan Mikrodownload
14Laporan Business Matchingdownload
15Islamic Microfinace Modeldownload
16Making Development Assistance Sustainable Through Islamic Microfinancedownload
17A Model for Microfinance-Supported Education Programsdownload
18From Informal Microfinance to Linkage Banking: Putting Theory into Practice, and Practice into Theorydownload
19Asia Resource Centre for Microfinancedownload
20Islamic Microfinance Modeldownload
21Shamshad Akhtar: Development of microfinancedownload
22Islamic Microfinance Model (Study of Implementation Microfinance Model in Indonesia)download
23Islamic Micro Finance: A Practical Perspectivedownload
24Harnessing Islamic microfinancedownload
25Innovations In Islamic Microfinance: Lessons From Muslim AID’S Sri Lankan Experimentdownload
26Evaluating the effect of integrated microfinance and health interventions: an updated review of the evidencedownload
27Does the Microfinance Lending Model Actually Work?download
28Islamic microfinance and socially responsible investmentsdownload
29National Policy and Strategy for Microfinance Developmentdownload
30Financing the Poor: Towards an Islamic Microfinance An Islamic Finance Industry Perspectivedownload
31Islamic Microfinance in Luxembourgdownload
32Microfinance: An Alternative Means Of Healthcare Financing For The Poordownload
33Outreach and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutionsdownload
34Microfinance 101: Research Guide to the Microfinance Gatewaydownload
35The Microfinance Revolutiondownload
36Microfinance Beyond Group Lendingdownload
37Scholarships and Awards for students’ research on microfinancedownload
38Frontiers of Islamic Banking: A Synthesis of Social Role and Micro financedownload
39The Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance: Main issues and progressdownload
40Does Microfinance Still Hold Promise for Reaching the Poor? Facts and (A Little) Speculationdownload
41Principles Of Sustainable Microfinancedownload
42Women and Repayment in Microfinancedownload
43With Transformation to Regulated Microfinance, What Is the Model of Ownership that Protects Social Mission?download
44The Provision of Microfinance Services by Savings Banks Selected experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin Americadownload
Categories: Referensi MFI


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